Inspiration: Joanne Harris

May 18, 2011

Read this book!
So, I just finished reading Joanne Harris's Chocolat and I loved it. I love her way of writing. Okay, I'm going to do something incredibly expected, cliched and cheesy here, but I am going to compare Chocolat to chocolate. Here goes. Joanne Harris's writing in Chocolat is like a piece of chili chocolate -- it's smooth and rich but then there's this edge, this spice to it. It really was a lovely book, and I can't wait to pick up another one of her books!

Since finishing Chocolat, I decided to look up Joanne Harris since I don't know too much about her. If you're an aspiring writer, you must check out her website! I loved reading the interviews and Harris's insights and views on her books. Seriously, this site is a treasure trove.

After looking through everything on her site, I've decided to share her "How I Write" piece. But you should really go check out her website. (I loved her DO's and DON'Ts of getting published -- she says about the synopsis, "Do give only the relevant details. A synposis isn't supposed to contain teasers, autobiographical info, marketing cliches, high-concept pitches (HARRY POTTER meets RAMBO, set in SPACE!), etc...")

Anyway. You can read Joanne Harris's piece on how she writes -- after the jump! I hope you find it as inspiring and interesting as I did (I love reading about the process of art. Yes, I consider writing an art. It really is!)

For more gems and inspiration, go to her website, Do it! Right now! You'll regret it if you don't! Well, okay. You don't NEED to go NOW. But, you should.

The end.

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