Food + Photography = A Beautiful Thing

April 27, 2011


It's been a while since I last updated this thing. My initial plan was to try to blog every other day.


I also planned to not only blog every other day, but finish designing my website (which now is being completely redone since I'm switching website builders/domains) and maintain my Etsy site (and I still haven't even finished that yet).

HAHAHA. Oh boy. I laugh. I set these goals, and they're way too high.

Anyhow, neglected goals aside, I want to talk about the blog, What Katie Ate. Um. I LOVE her photography. It's so rustic and real and all the food looks really scrumptious and I want to eat it all. In fact, I really want to eat this:

Yes. This needs to happen this week.

And also what I really love about What Katie Ate is the story behind the blog. She went to school for graphic design and after a while of working in the graphic design field, Katie decided that it wasn't for her (this is really weird talking about someone who has the same name -- I feel like I'm talking about myself!) Anyhow, Katie quit her graphic design job and went for what she really loved: food and photography. She started up her blog, sharing recipes and her food photography. Katie's blog is now crazy popular AND her work was featured recently in Martha Stewart Living, not to mention the countless other crazy popular blogs and websites out there.

How awesome is that? So, it just goes to show that you can do what you really love. You just have to make that jump!

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