Something shiny to perk up your week!

May 25, 2011

So, I found this ring via Pinterest and I'm in love.

It's so unique and so beautiful.

I love it.

I love vintage things.

Check it out here and check out the other awesome vintage rings from Vintage Jewelry Rings. 

Inspiration: Joanne Harris

May 18, 2011

Read this book!
So, I just finished reading Joanne Harris's Chocolat and I loved it. I love her way of writing. Okay, I'm going to do something incredibly expected, cliched and cheesy here, but I am going to compare Chocolat to chocolate. Here goes. Joanne Harris's writing in Chocolat is like a piece of chili chocolate -- it's smooth and rich but then there's this edge, this spice to it. It really was a lovely book, and I can't wait to pick up another one of her books!

Since finishing Chocolat, I decided to look up Joanne Harris since I don't know too much about her. If you're an aspiring writer, you must check out her website! I loved reading the interviews and Harris's insights and views on her books. Seriously, this site is a treasure trove.

After looking through everything on her site, I've decided to share her "How I Write" piece. But you should really go check out her website. (I loved her DO's and DON'Ts of getting published -- she says about the synopsis, "Do give only the relevant details. A synposis isn't supposed to contain teasers, autobiographical info, marketing cliches, high-concept pitches (HARRY POTTER meets RAMBO, set in SPACE!), etc...")

Anyway. You can read Joanne Harris's piece on how she writes -- after the jump! I hope you find it as inspiring and interesting as I did (I love reading about the process of art. Yes, I consider writing an art. It really is!)

For more gems and inspiration, go to her website, Do it! Right now! You'll regret it if you don't! Well, okay. You don't NEED to go NOW. But, you should.

The end.

Tips for the Shy Biz Lady

May 17, 2011

I found this on Design*Sponge today and felt the need to share.

I'm shy. No way! Yes way. Shocking, right? 

Anyway. I really enjoyed this little article. It spoke to me. I feel as though I have some kind of kinship with the author. Some of these tips I already knew/some of it overlaps into the "common sense" area. However, it's always good to have a little reinforcement/encouragement. Plus, it's nice to know that it's okay to be shy and you can be successful!

Read the article after the jump!


I don’t know about you, but I am a little socially awkward and a lot shy. I envy those who can work a crowd, throw themselves out there and approach anyone.

The ability to put yourself out there without fear is a small-business owner’s dream quality. However, even if you do not possess this quality and you are as shy as me, there are a few things you can do to overcome this often saddling personality trait.

1. Use your loved ones.

I am great around people I know. My family and friends would tell you that I never shut up. Put me in a room full of people I know, and I am the star. Put me in a room full of strangers, and I will not speak.

Like most, I am comfortable around those I know, and I use this to my advantage. Do you have a friend who could potentially aid in your business goals? Solicit her for help. The same goes for family members; these people want to see you succeed, and they might have the ability to open a lot of doors when you are too timid to even knock.

I own a small handmade-accessories business, and three of the stores I sell my wares in are due to friends pitching the owner. In each instance, it was organic, and once they got the go-ahead, I was able to take the reins. When I knew that a trusted friend had opened the door, I could step in with confidence.

People in your life love you. They want to help. Use this to your advantage.

2. It is okay to hide behind the computer.

In today’s do-every-single-thing-online world, it is amazing how many businesses have popped up. Social media is the shy business-lady’s forum. Unless you wish to do so, you never have to meet any of your blog or Twitter fans in person. (And, if you do get to meet them, it is like you are old friends. There is none of that first-meeting awkwardness that I so dread.)

Via social media, you are able to collect your thoughts and say the right thing. It is as if you are always prepared with the perfect comment or comeback. No one will know if you are embarrassed by a comment or if your face has turned beet red.

3. Email like crazy, but know when it is time to pick up the phone.

Email is my preferred method of communication. When I am approaching a store about a wholesale order (or an owed payment . . . ), I email. In my experience, those who want to respond will respond. But there are times when a phone call is necessary.

I am not a fan of making an unsolicited phone call, but it won’t kill me. If I have sent an email, this call is a lot easier because I have a jumping-off point. Usually, the person received the email, got too busy to respond and welcomes my phone call.

If the reason you never received a response is because they are not interested, then the worst they can say is no.

No. It isn’t my favorite word, but it isn’t the worst word I have ever heard. The fear of hearing the word “no” or “I am not interested” often prevents me from making a call that could greatly impact my business. It’s times like these that I suck it up and pretend my shyness doesn’t exist.

4. Be as nice and polite as possible.

Many times, my shyness has been misinterpreted for rudeness. Since I am aware of this, I go out of my way to be courteous and kind, especially in emails, where it is so hard to convey tone.

Addressing someone by their name, smiling and a simple please and thank you go a long way. Even if you are too shy to show your true self, at least show your courteous self.

Shyness does not have to hold you or your business back. If it is part of who you are, embrace it and know when it is important to overcome it. Knowing which situations require a little gusto and which need your more natural, reserved self is key to being successful.

And always remember: Thank goodness for the internet because I never could have been a door-to-door salesperson.


To see original article, go here!

Check Eet Out!

May 15, 2011

Yes. That's right -- I've started up an Etsy shop! I'm still adding new things, and I've recently updated the look of the shop (I'm sort of going through a re-branding of my website, blog and Etsy -- not that they were all that branded to begin with).


Go check it out! k louise photography! You won't be disappointed, I promise!

Book Review: L.A. Candy: Sweet Little Lies by Lauren Conrad

May 13, 2011

Wow. It's about time I do another book review. It's been a while! Too long in fact. Sheesh.

The facts
L.A. Candy: Sweet Little Lies by Lauren Conrad
Published February 2, 2010

The summary
Best friends Jane and Scarlett have moved to LA together after graduating high school. After a heartbreaking split from her high school sweetheart, Jane feels as though she needs a change. She wants to be "uncomfortable," thus moving to LA. In LA, Jane gets a job with one of the top event planners in the country and Scarlett starts her freshman year at UCLA.

One night as Jane and Scarlett are checking out the club scene in LA, they are approached by a TV producer, Trevor Lord. Trevor is working on a reality show project that he calls a "PG Sex and the City." He feels that Jane and Scarlett are perfect for the show. Jane is the perfect girl-next-door. She's a pretty blonde, but not the overly-fake LA type blonde. Scarlett is gorgeous without even trying and brilliant to boot. The two girls agree to do the show -- Scarlett wants independence from her parents, so being on the show means she can pay for her education herself. Jane feels as though it's the perfect opportunity to put herself in "uncomfortable" situations.

At first the girls are thrilled with their reality show gig. Once in a dingy, sketchy apartment by the highway, now they're in a fancy condominium paid for by the show. Being on "LA Candy" means they get into the hottest clubs in town and get to wear the latest fashions.

However, it's not all glitz and glam. Compromising photos of Jane are leaked behind her back by one of her co-stars, Madison, and end up all over the tabloids. Being completely clueless of her true intentions, Jane turns to the manipulating Madison for help and away from her best friend, Scarlett.

In addition to the best friend's falling out and Jane's tabloid scandal, Scarlett is working on a little scandal of her own. Normally, Scarlett doesn't do relationships. However, she's fallen hard for one of "LA Candy's" cameramen, Liam. Of course any relations between the crew and talent is strictly prohibited, so Liam and Scarlett must keep their relationship a secret. Not easy when the cameras are around 24/7.

Will Jane ever realize Madison's true intentions? Can Scarlett and Liam keep up their relationship amid the cameras? Can they survive their show?

The verdict
Okay, so "LA Candy" isn't going to be winning any awards for immpeccable writing skills anytime soon. Conrad writes the way her characters would speak. For. The. Whole. Book. Pretty much. Which, I am all for adding in some dialects and such in dialogue. But, it's a bit much. I could just imagine our Fiction Workshop class ripping this book apart.

Regardless of writing skills, this book was entertaining. It certainly keeps you hooked, though a lot of the plot is pretty cliched (again, Fiction Workshop. Ripping this to shreds). But still, it is entertaining. This book would go under the category of "Mind Candy." They're quick, they're fun, they keep you hooked (I have to say that right after I finished the second book, I literally ran to Borders and bought the third).

I have a lot more to say about the second and third books, but those are for another post!

Bottom line: Though I was thoroughly annoyed by the cliches and the "sooooooo's" and "OMGs!" and "WTFs?!" I would reccommend it. Perfect book for the beach, or laying on a hammock, sitting on the porch, etc, etc.

Grade: B

A Wednesday List: Five Things

May 11, 2011

Five things I couldn't possibly live without:

1. My cat

2. My Chucks

3. The ocean

4. Chocolate (looove the chili chocolate...soo good)

and 5. My friends and family!

Okay, so maybe that last one was more than one thing, but I kind of feel like family and friends are interchangeable. They're one thing, like familends. Or frienamily.

PS - I apologize that not all familends/frienamily have been represented equally as I do not have access to all my photos at the moment. But you all are represented in thought and spirit.

We'll pretend that made sense.

The end.
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